Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Sexy Twins, a Podcast and Poly

So when I went to the BRATS reunion in San Antonio I met these two sexy little twins. I talked to one more than the other since she was out in the smoking section more. We glanced on poly and bdsm. She said that her and her twin had a podcast and they wanted me to come on and discuss poly on there. I said sure and a couple weeks or month ago checked out their podcast. They were interesting, intelligent had some open mindedness as well as cute and sexy.

So, the Caveman recorded the pod cast tonight with them. It was entertaining and fun. I got a chance to teach and express myself, my journey and everything. Good questions were asked and I gave answers that showed the diversity of it all and that was what they needed. They didn't know how deep the rabbit hole actually could go or went. I gave them a bigger taste.

This should be a nice educational snippet for people to hear and get their minds thinking some more. So we will see when they finish editing the podcast how it goes. But I think it went well and reminded me of the old days of suit and tie presentations and meetings.

Other than that...

little one had a great day at work. Thank God! She felt loved on by me and everyone treated her nice. And I didn't have to go down there because someone stole her flowers or she didn't get her flowers today. So, that was a great bonus.

it has been a rough day as well. So things are what they are. The night is here and the drink is going so I will be alright for a few hours.

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