Friday, January 12, 2018

Poetry: Revolve Her

Revolve Her

Are they
Completely the same
Diversified quality exchange?

Smooth bore
They fit
But their caliber
Is circumspect

Being involved with them
Is lie Russian roulette
But this is part of life
The things that I need

Whether it is
Click or spin
The next chamber will explode
With something completely different

Are the differences
Positive or negative?


I miss that

One Shot, One Kill


From the chocolatezeus  collection  1/12/18  ©

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Poetry: You Are the Reveal

You Are the Reveal

Feelings and emotions



Upon the beach of
My heart, soul and mind

As I turn to look
Share and confide

To see you
Remember your past responses


Oh never mind

From the chocolatezeus collection 1/10/18  ©

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Decisions When Terminal Velocity Has Stopped


This ordeal with the hospital and folks definitely has bene one for the books. Things are not getting better. So just dealing with everything here, there and everywhere.

Eye opening moments from the beginning of this year definitely. Emotional and physical effects. Compartmentalization in effect. Warp speed ahead.

moments of disinfected elations
quantum leaps into the distant abyss
sealed with memories of moments
even a kiss

russian roulette 
with no bullets missing


the death knell tolls
smoking bullet holes
as everything is left

swiss cheese
remnants of the

Some unique conversations.

I have had to laugh at people and their poly ways. I am still going to do my own thing and my way regardless of their feminist following ways.

Standing here alone I can only know that this is where things ended up being.  I know from whence I came. And I know all that I have destroyed coming into this year.

Better place.
Better moment.
Better me.

Have a good one and make the most out of what you have going on.

Once more upon the ramparts amid the bloody bodies is where I remain.