We live in the United States of America.
The Melting Pot.
But it seems like the pot has been corrupted thoroughly.
Our nations language has become second or third to other languages. Which is totally ridiculous. Every other country on the planet forces you to speak their language except for us. As we cater to everybody and everything.
People from other countries getting loans and health care and monetary funding that is not even an option for american citizens.
If we look at the Katrina episode. We go around the globe lending aid to everyone. Where was the aid for the country that does the most on the planet? All the claims of we will send aid. And I don't recall seeing anything coming to help those people.
America the mighty fell to the watering down of catering to the world.
You can't have sense of pride and conviction when you work hard and are a citizen and everyone not from your country gets everything to get a better start than you ever have.
We need to get back to helping our own first and foremost. Just like every country we help and let their citizens come here.