Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Movement In Silence

After some discussion and some more entries in the unnecessary chaos department. I am still here and breathing.

Adventures in dealing with the parental units continue. No telling what is really going on or the consequences of things that were going on today.  Chalk it up to getting blind sided by something in the future as usual.

After the weekends reveal there was discussion about my dating practices and relations. Specifically my inability to have a gray area and relationship like trying to be friends with exes or those I am through with.

I have always operated on there is no need to go backwards or hold onto things that are not for or with you. That means exes, ex friends, relatives and all. I merely leave them in the past where they were. It has been suggested that I am using energy and stuff in doing this and the negative experiences that I had. But, if I am not asked about it or something doesn't happen that reminds me of those episodes then I don't think about it.

When a female has decided that this isn't want she wants or we are not seeking the same thing then I merely hit the off switch. And I am told I am missing out on opportunity in this. Plus that I should open up with the humans. lol  I never dealt with or had much of any communication with the past ones. I guess because I have gotten soft and mentally slow in my old age I might do this in this current case. It is still up in the air but it is possible. Only because the investment for me. But that investment has also been put into the fortress of solitude already. The outcome this year will be interesting.  Not what I sought or wanted but Oh Well. Just do the Zeus half a female equation protocol.

I have had some good times over the year. A lot of calm, comfort and satisfaction. More than normal. Well, with the exception of being married or with Ru Ru. I will have to do more detailed documentation of the last year so that I can have the memories. Look back and remember the that was then moments.

I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron last night. James Spader did Ultron well. I enjoyed the action and I saw the set ups during the movie for spin offs and everything. Then saw the connection with the movie and Agents of Shield in tonight's episode.   The Hawkeye twist was interesting. I definitely didn't remember that in comic universe.  The new Avengers I really not too energetic about though. It is like they are the west coast avengers basically.  Vision was interesting but I was expecting more. Vision did show his bridge between human and AI world. The action was a good clip when it was going on. But they also did have a love storyline in there for the non comic intelligent people.

I need a lot of comfort, peace and pleasure right now. I am going to have to really look at getting away and doing the Zeus thing. Because it is overdue and I have been on empty for a long time right now.

Unleash the Dogs of War!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Welcome to the Terrordome

A new week begins. No longer a continuation from the last one. That came to a resounding end.

A weekend of no sleep is rather therapeutic. Plenty of time to think, get things done and transmute parts of me.

A meeting today and maybe I will cook something to eat today.

After all of this I need an ABM vacation.

Live and learn. Do not repeat or delineate from who and what you must be.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

All Night Long

I have been on that everclear and tea mixed with cigars all night long. No sleep for the ABM chair.

Thumping Onyx, Poison Clan and Too Short. The BBB trifecta.

Got to love how the music takes over. The effect and need of life and living. Saying all the things that you need. Expressing what you may feel and think.

The Muse has come in full force. When life gives you experiences I can let it spill and murder ink. Better to express that way than go back to the old school days.

Darkside Rule

Descendent of
Pimps and players

I am the reason
Your frustration and misunderstanding

My name brings out
Cringes and jealousy
Desired carnal knowledge
And disbelief

Evil incarnate
Because I just don’t
Give a shit
About you or what
You feel or think

No deviance
As I remain the
Ultimate Deviant

Who me?
You must be
Fucking joking

I am a
Represented of
Eternal darkness

Here is where I remain
Upon my throne
Entertained by the
Monkeys and humans

Till the end of time
Darkside rule
My legacy and legend
Permanent imprint on
Souls and minds

The Evil
Am I

Now keep that in mind

From the chocolatezeus collection  4/26/15  ©

Last Week's Episode of Gotham

I finally had to say I enjoyed a full episode of the show. Besides the episode with Alfred going to work it was good but not constant through the show.

But hot damn! They threw my boy that played Peter Petrelli on the series Heroes in there as a serial killer and it jumped off nicely. They called him the Ogre. And because of how hideous he was before plastic surgery it was a well earned name.

He was seducing those hoes and then torturing and murdering them. That caught my damn attention and I had to smile. And when Jim Gordon's ex girl went into the play room I was jealous. It was beautiful and big. With maces, flails, crosses and all kings of wonderful toys.  Now that would be a wonderful play area for me to enjoy the total deconstruction of females.

Add to that we finally have another cobblepot blow up and killing. The Don really did a number on him by telling his mother that he is a sicko and kills people. Sending her into a fit and passing out. *lmfao*  I will be so damn glad when he kill his momma or let her go get killed. She is annoying with her whining self.

of course there was that monkey syleena kyle. *ugh* I really want her to go somewhere and pickpocket an exposed nuclear rod or something. The only good thing dealing with her is that finally bruce wayne is using some detective skills and clandestine style operation.

and the coup de grace was edward ngma killing the cop in the street. And he had that look on his face after the initial shock of as that old Franchise boy song said, "oh I think he liked it, oh I think he liked it"  And that is excellent. It is time for him to riddle, kill, riddle kill. And the best way to start a murderous rampage or spree is because of females. They are always the catalyst for something stupid and horrible to happen.

Spoken Word: Welcome to the Vault

Welcome to the Vault

Behind 20 feet of titanium

What lies within you ask
My valuables of course


Those things I have been told
I need to share with the

Rawkus laughter
Is the only reply
I need

You don’t give away
Gold and jewels
Especially to

So that bright light
Seen when I closed the
Vault door

That was the

My soul

The parts that are
More precious than
Money and gold

Freely given
Hardly stolen

All that you
Feel and see
Is that the vault is

Thank you for

You may kiss the door
As you exit out of
Life’s door

From the chocolatezeus collection 4/25/15  ©