Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What they said about the pretty females is true...

They are pretty and gorgeous but damn they are really mentally, emotionally and life wise fucked up.

But seeing and experiencing is definitely believing.

Females will definitely show you over the last year fo sho

Monday, January 14, 2019

Comic Con and I Was Gone

Saturday little one and I spent some hours at the greensboro comic con. I love doing things like this and I always looked forward to sharing things like this with who I was and am with. This is when the worthy people get to see a different part of me that is fun, silly and more. 

little one enjoyed herself a lot also. Talking to the black artists and the cosplay people there had her geeked. 

The 501st Legion was there and I am so glad I got to take some pics with them. Vader, mandalorians, storm troopers. I love the work they do in cosplay as well as the community. The pictures are priceless. And little one got a pic with a purple mando lol.

It was small but it was so much damn fun. I can't wait to hit some bigger ones next. 

I picked up one of the artists black comic books as well. 

Great convo with black vendors about the state of movies and comic movies today was ultra deep and geeky.

on the way out i took a pic with Deadpool and Deathstroke which a great culmination to the adventure. 

Totally geeked up!!!