Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Caveman Chronicals

i have been to the white hood and been entertained. It is just special to watch the drunks interact and act a fool. And watching themtry to get this guy's wife to go fishing with them. She just didn't want to get up that early. The seagate experience is something else.

babycakes is back from key west, cuba and mexico. she had a good time on her first cruise.I am glad she got to go to a cigar factory and see how the cigars she smokes are made. A couple more weeks and she is out of country again.

We got SELF next week so there will be more experiences and learning. I just will avoid the people that i don't care for and are fraudulent. I am looking forward to some great classes.

Prepared for San Antonio mostly. Going to enjoy the drunk people as much as possible. Definitely a new experience about to go down. I only attended the pool party last year during my birthday. Still haven't decided about doing the cruise with them next year as part of the birthday month.

And then got new orleans for the birthday. This will be my first time actually being able to see the city.Food and museums will be in full effect.

Then it is the CTX BBQ. i started some whip practice to prepare to learn. This will be different with all of us there.little one's first texas event. she will get more exposure to folk out there now since SPLF.

After that i am nit sure where Life Unscripted will take things.

Once more unto the breach!