Why I Dance
I do it for me
When I have loosened up
Had a few drinks
Enjoyed some company
Then I am ready to just be
Have fun
Come laugh with me
Dance with me
Hit the floor
I don’t care
Tonight the entertainment is going to be there
It’s me that they will look at and stare
The hell with posting up
Watching the club
I dance with you
Because I think you are cute
I want to watch your body move
See what skills you can unloose
Two stepping may be what I do
For a minute or two
Or we can go old school
Throw out a prep
A snake or two
But my dance
It’s not for you
I do what I do
Because I am going to enjoy this mood
When I am the entertainer
Gone is my protection attitude
Lets get down
Bust a move
Step in the name of love
Or cha cha slide with you
Once that music
Has gripped me totally
I just want to keep it flowing
Burning up the floor
Heating up and sweating
When you move I move
They watch us two
Laughing and smiling
Now you know why I dance
Why I enjoy that mood
When the attitude
Is gone
Replaced with my gratitude
DJ keep it jumping dude
From the Chocolatezeus collection 12/21/06 ©
I do it for me
When I have loosened up
Had a few drinks
Enjoyed some company
Then I am ready to just be
Have fun
Come laugh with me
Dance with me
Hit the floor
I don’t care
Tonight the entertainment is going to be there
It’s me that they will look at and stare
The hell with posting up
Watching the club
I dance with you
Because I think you are cute
I want to watch your body move
See what skills you can unloose
Two stepping may be what I do
For a minute or two
Or we can go old school
Throw out a prep
A snake or two
But my dance
It’s not for you
I do what I do
Because I am going to enjoy this mood
When I am the entertainer
Gone is my protection attitude
Lets get down
Bust a move
Step in the name of love
Or cha cha slide with you
Once that music
Has gripped me totally
I just want to keep it flowing
Burning up the floor
Heating up and sweating
When you move I move
They watch us two
Laughing and smiling
Now you know why I dance
Why I enjoy that mood
When the attitude
Is gone
Replaced with my gratitude
DJ keep it jumping dude
From the Chocolatezeus collection 12/21/06 ©