Sting…Loves Reminder
Pierced mortally
Love at first sight
Apparently destroyed me
Or was it my simple personal stupidity
Still I live
I breathed
Just now its only for me
After walking through the flames
Being blasted
Called out my name
Subject of those drama things
I came through it all
Somehow sane
Scarred but not broke
Love and affection still remained
Through my actions and things
Giving of myself even when they can’t
Won’t let themselves believe the love I have remained
No conditions to the love I gave
Still it remains
Not taken away
Merely changed
Man enough to continue to love
Just not in the same way
No longer a part of the reactionary game that was played
I parted ways
Gave up my quest that I made
Those involved made their choices not to dig in and stay
I refuse to make anyone be here with me
Giving my soul and being completely
I smile knowing that I have given me
That unconditional love is real with me
Not the situational drama that ladies have presented to me
Taking the pain
Walking in the bullshit
Just to remain
Refusing to quit on what I deemed important to me
Never realizing
That it was only my way
Pain flared
Stabbed me
Cast me into the abyss
Not knowing my name
Wanting to die from not having my dream
Life no longer had what I needed
Slowly I turned
Walked away from the things that made me happy
Kept me breathing
Smiling to the tune of me and them
The hardest decisions made
Unhappiness with it
Till this day
I know that the
I wishes
Won’t ever go away
Still I know that I did the right thing
For what good is what you want
When the others don’t want it that way
Go away
Yet it reminds me of the lessons that I need today
Gifting me with an appreciative gaze
My history
My lesson
The sword
I now carry everyday
From the Chocolatezeus collection 11/30/06 ©
Pierced mortally
Love at first sight
Apparently destroyed me
Or was it my simple personal stupidity
Still I live
I breathed
Just now its only for me
After walking through the flames
Being blasted
Called out my name
Subject of those drama things
I came through it all
Somehow sane
Scarred but not broke
Love and affection still remained
Through my actions and things
Giving of myself even when they can’t
Won’t let themselves believe the love I have remained
No conditions to the love I gave
Still it remains
Not taken away
Merely changed
Man enough to continue to love
Just not in the same way
No longer a part of the reactionary game that was played
I parted ways
Gave up my quest that I made
Those involved made their choices not to dig in and stay
I refuse to make anyone be here with me
Giving my soul and being completely
I smile knowing that I have given me
That unconditional love is real with me
Not the situational drama that ladies have presented to me
Taking the pain
Walking in the bullshit
Just to remain
Refusing to quit on what I deemed important to me
Never realizing
That it was only my way
Pain flared
Stabbed me
Cast me into the abyss
Not knowing my name
Wanting to die from not having my dream
Life no longer had what I needed
Slowly I turned
Walked away from the things that made me happy
Kept me breathing
Smiling to the tune of me and them
The hardest decisions made
Unhappiness with it
Till this day
I know that the
I wishes
Won’t ever go away
Still I know that I did the right thing
For what good is what you want
When the others don’t want it that way
Go away
Yet it reminds me of the lessons that I need today
Gifting me with an appreciative gaze
My history
My lesson
The sword
I now carry everyday
From the Chocolatezeus collection 11/30/06 ©