Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Moment in Time and Poetry: The Logan Effect

Watching Logan had me thinking. (yes, I am always thinking so what) about life and living it.

This movie was a hodgepodge of the Death of Wolverine story line, Old Man Logan storyline and more. In it Logan has lived his life for centuries. Only to have the admantium attached to his bones poison him and over run his healing factor. In all those years he has loved, lived, lost and embraced anger, rage and loneliness.

I have beat the statistics as a black male and man. Died a number of times. Weathered and ingested Hell on basis.

As much as I am the ABM Caveman, I am also love and loving. I am the yin and yang personified within a person. I know it annoys the girls because they are all in the gray area and I am never there. But it is how I am made up and function. I walk with a purpose that I don't know. Loving those that can be involved with me only in their own palatable ways.

My cold heart barely beats now but gives forth the heated love and passion of a star. But I will take this long walk alone. To protect, care for and be there for those I care for regardless of their feelings or actions.

I will continue to do my job.

The Logan Effect

Eons have passed
Timeless imprisonment
Rivulets of emotions and stale intent

No longer invincible
Battle scars now unhealable

Living through so much
Love, life and death

Beat the expectations repeatedly
For I should have been dead
At least two decades ago

Attempts to

Those that I chose to be within
My life’s circles

Fought with
And against them

My dark heart still beats
At a pace
Faster and slower
Countdown to inevitability

Rage unleashed
Love murdered in it’s waking sleep
Inhaling the death of destiny

Fear won’t grip me
As I fight with my last breath
For those that remain in my circle of being

The tears burn me
The last vestiges of me

As I prepare to leave
Whenever the sands of time stop falling
There I will embrace

The end
Blaze of glory

The final chapter
And end of the story

Just don’t mourn me

From the chocolatezeus collection  1/27/18  ©

Friday, January 26, 2018

Send in Ground Support

Over the last year and especially now and this year I realized that part of me missed having that support and comfort. That no need to say anything because I got your back type of support. The one that won't dissect and analyze everything but just be safe harbor.

Man and Dominant some times needs and many times wants to just kind of chill and not have to be at war with everyone while holding and balancing the universe like Atlas. Hell, no one can last forever without breaking down over the long haul. 

Looking at relations, dynamics and mother dying today has me evaluate and analyze so much of where my comfort and support was to my situation now. A harsh look at the fall from gold and the alchemistic movement of support. 

It is not about asking for support or even not wanting support. It is about being connected in a way that it just happens. That connection where the flow and energy between us actually makes this happen without effort. And this is more than a possibility since I choose empathic ones to date or have serve me. 

If people claim to like you they will attempt to give support within their own way, range and ability.  And I am thankful for what they can give. There are no negatives about that. 

But there are the times you need that right type of support. Especially when you have relations with individuals. 

I have to honestly say that the last about 10 months definitely has been the time that the support for me has been needed. 

*Don't take support for granted*

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Poetic Expression: Transition

Burning tears

Vivid memories

Great ones gone before their time
The ones that were
Most importantly detrimental to me

It is not the current home going
I feel

Tis the steel of time
Sting of their removal
That releases emotional content

As the silence
Slits the timeline
And the wisps of their essence
Gains purchase

I dine
Within the flames of Hell
Upon their


Yet submerged in
The pain
Shown through this event

Shining light upon
Undeniable evidence


From the chocolatezeus collection  1/24/18  (c)

Poetic Expression: Resonance

Stirring a dead soul

Her voice
cutting through
the distant, dead cold

This one moment
Cutting through
Empty discord

Leaving me currently
With painted memories

Good times
Good vibes

Now left to
Live and repeat
Intimate times
I hold as the last vestiges of


from the chocolatezeus collection  1/24/18. (c)

So you Think you Deserve a Collar?

Collaring is a physical representation of a D/s or M/s relationship. It is equated to a wedding ring for some and basically that weird concept I understand called a friendship ring for others.  So there is no all encompassing definition that fits all.

I have discussions about my position on collaring. So I will address it here...

For me collaring is representing me and my dynamic. It is honor, prestige and respect. To me it says that you are mine and a part of me and the future. It isn't something that comes easy or quick. It is based on learning, understanding, accepting, trust, ability to follow and the committed passion to the dynamic.

The desire and ability to become collared is not for everyone. It may be something that was never wanted, something that is out of their ability to trust and or understand or just something that is not part of their available ability or skill set.

Some Dominants have a very specific and set amount of time before they will think about collaring their sub or slave. At that point they evaluate if the person is actually on track to being collared or ready.

My journey into collaring does have a time span where a sub or slave will have the chance to learn, show and grow. It is on the low end 2 years. But at that point if I feel that there is still ability there or more things to learn with the probability to be collared then that will be extended until it is shown that they are ready or that they won't be ready.

What are the things that are important to me for collaring?

  • Alignment of wills
  • Commitment
  • Dedication
  • Adaptability
  • Passion

The journey is not easy. It will be filled with trials, tribulations and learning.  And that is on both sides of the slash. Not just one or the other. Because investing in each other in a dynamic requires those that actually want to be in a dynamic and have collaring involved to go through the pitfalls to strengthen and enhance their dynamic through it all.

So my question to those that are interested like I asked those I have conversed with is...


Monday, January 22, 2018

Poetic Uplift: Smiled Again

I smiled
the moment
that the connection became
self evident

where mutually exclusive
died it's personal death

I smiled
at the future
acknowledgement of
purposeful intent
excited commitment

I smiled
knowing that
the same radar wave
bounced back

I smiled

then I said thank you
thank you for the lining
in the darkness that held

from the chocolatezeus collection 1/22/18 (c)

Just Be...a Moment in the Desecration of Zeus

The girls have said this a number of times. That is what I get for dealing with the same type when I am interested. But anyway. they have been saying it and I didn't really get it until the weekend.

That just don't work on anything Dont ask anything. Act like nothing is wrong type of stuff.

Where they do their things and enjoy whatever it is that they do and go about their merry way. And I just sit in the background somewhere and interact when it suits and fits.

So when things are turned off for me it allows them to have that. So yayy me for understanding and putting the Chronos protocol in effect. They will be able to enjoy their "just be" a whole lot more since it started last year.

The Path to the Desecration of Zeus is enlightened again