This movie was a hodgepodge of the Death of Wolverine story line, Old Man Logan storyline and more. In it Logan has lived his life for centuries. Only to have the admantium attached to his bones poison him and over run his healing factor. In all those years he has loved, lived, lost and embraced anger, rage and loneliness.
I have beat the statistics as a black male and man. Died a number of times. Weathered and ingested Hell on basis.
As much as I am the ABM Caveman, I am also love and loving. I am the yin and yang personified within a person. I know it annoys the girls because they are all in the gray area and I am never there. But it is how I am made up and function. I walk with a purpose that I don't know. Loving those that can be involved with me only in their own palatable ways.
My cold heart barely beats now but gives forth the heated love and passion of a star. But I will take this long walk alone. To protect, care for and be there for those I care for regardless of their feelings or actions.
I will continue to do my job.
The Logan Effect
Eons have passed
Timeless imprisonment
Rivulets of emotions
and stale intent
No longer invincible
Battle scars now
Living through so
Love, life and death
Beat the expectations
For I should have
been dead
At least two decades
Attempts to
Those that I chose to
be within
My life’s circles
Fought with
And against them
My dark heart still
At a pace
Faster and slower
Countdown to inevitability
Rage unleashed
Love murdered in it’s
waking sleep
Inhaling the death of
Fear won’t grip me
As I fight with my
last breath
For those that remain
in my circle of being
The tears burn me
The last vestiges of
As I prepare to leave
Whenever the sands of
time stop falling
There I will embrace
The end
Blaze of glory
The final chapter
And end of the story
Just don’t mourn me
From the chocolatezeus
collection 1/27/18 ©