I See Why
Those motes smolder
in your eyes
You’re so twisted,
gnarled and mangled inside
The rivulets of love,
passion and soul burn like napalm
I see why
Chivalry died upon a
cross of your design
Where you are only
worth the pussy you are attached to
Your proclaimed
abilities are miniscule
I see why
Giving a fuck about
you is the deadliest sin
You are the disease
and creature that all must kill
Like the plague you
spread your cancerous cells
I see why
My heart, soul and
mind have self-erased
Why I stand at the
center of hell and now it well
My Caveman mentality
is the only thing that won’t fail
I see why
You chop the head off
of those that are not in the inner sanctum
Pitch their body and
soul upon a pike as a trophy edifice
I laugh at the so
called expressions that hold the weight of an astral projection
I see why
Fuck it
I just fucking see
And seeing is
So fuck it all
And welcome to
Hell meets Hades
From the
chocolatezeus collection 3/5/16 ©