Thursday, October 20, 2016

When the Tides Turn and Agamotto Opens

So many things have happened in these last couple of months. Things that have shaped things mentally as well as the future.

There have been some great experiences, conversations and adventures. And there have been setbacks, realizations and realignments. I am thankful for them all.

The facts of how wide the chasm is between men and females has been completely reinforced repeatedly. The ability to actually listen to what is said instead coming up with their own version is just crazy. The fact that there are so many that still want someone to jump through hoops to make them happy and feel like something is still bewildering to me but simply the fact.  Now, I understand and accept that men think differently than females but there should still be the ability to listen and understand other views. Hell, I understand they have their view regardless of whether it is mine or if I agree with it. But hey most cannot be that enlightened anyway. lol

I have been pleasantly surprised at the closeness that has grown. I wasn't expecting it but I am definitely happy about them. It has added deeper dimensions to everything. Part of that is because of my compartmentalization and adaptation, while the other is from the evolution of those relations.

I have to give a PSA here also...

If you keep trying and throwing something up in someone's face then don't be surprised when you get ignored and become vacant.

So through the

  • laughter
  • confused looks and disbelief
  • profound communication
  • seeing how much things have changed
  • the beauty of isolationist plane of existence
  • and the unusual usual suspects
Things were definitely marked in the history books lately. 

There will be more to come. But I have to finish laughing at Ru and our convo about living this Life Unscripted.

Until the next time...

It's all good
Really, really


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