Monday, October 27, 2014

The SHAFT Effect

I love the original Shaft movies as well as the recent Samuel Jackson version.

The line that speaks to me: He is a complicated man that no one understands but his woman.  Because it fits me. My women and the few friends that I have close can say that they know and understand me.  Chocolate Doll, Munchkin and Ru Ru are the ones that understand me that most along with acceptance. Without a doubt I could be myself with them past and present.

Shaft is a standoffish but principled man that helps others. I help others when I choose to and if they fit my criteria and timing to allow me to do so. I know society and the humans say that you should help everyone in the universes. But I say to hell with that. I help who I choose to help or not.

Me the Standout

I don't and won't fit your molds or your ideology. Many have tried to put their drone mentality upon me. Does not apply here remains the constant.

Even with the hypochondriac chick trying to talk to me I have had to inform her again that I am not what she is use to nor do I conform to what she wants. The old commentary on compromise comes up and I laugh. In response: if we aren't together then there is no need for compromise at all from me. You cannot get the benefits when you are not even qualified.

Yes, I am weird. Very weird.
The black man that likes models, radio controlled models, comics and all. The one who watches and listens to sci fi or audio books. The Dominant that holds the keys to being a Daddy as well as your Doorway to Pain Keeper.

I refuse to be anyone other than myself. Learned that when I was younger. Just be me and everything will be just fine. The Big Angry Black Man get's the females, adventures and all. And still wonder why lol. But hey they are interested in me. And things don't stay dull for long. LoL

Amalgamous Anomaly

Tenuous moments
Teemed with Chaos
Rooted in Peace
At it’s core

Representing reality
As I am the
Dark and light
As the cauldron boils

Dark energy encases me
Fuels the daily energies
Protects the light
Both increased to

A Beast unleashed
As the Titan remains chained completely
The Angel remains
Protected and hidden

That battle of
Light and darkness
That you have fought so fiercely
It dwells within me
Like life support
Joined and fused
Throughout all of my being

For it is my Darkness
That allows you to

The Light

So prominently

From the chocolatezeus collection  10/21/14  ©

I am just going to just leave that there and let you understand that window into my darkness.