Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Countdown Has Begun

A month away from enjoying myself in Amsterdam and I am ready for it. Going to have a good time since this will be my first time back as an adult since I was very young.

On deck for the trip:
This jazz bar paul mentioned.
Museums and art exhibits
The red light district for entertainment
And hopefully find something kinky to get into.

This year is about adventure. Amsterdam, Jamaica and DR on deck along with a kinkybnb visit. So I am setting the bar high again this year.

All I can say is...

Get your adventure on!

Yeah...I Love My Bitch!!

You know I love my bitch, yep yep I love my bitch.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

COMMUNICATION...The Fundamental Foundation

From interactions with the humans, their commentaries and actions they continue to show that communication is key and also the biggest chasm between females and me and just humans all together.

I am the Capt Caveman of communication! So let me club you up aside your head with this entry. lol

A post by a alleged alpha female really showed me the disparity when it comes to communication.  She stated that they are always seen as disrespectful when they say they heard the person and they are going to do what they want to anyway. Then you aka prime example of female and not a woman should never be in a relationship or dynamic. Stick to polluting yourself and those of the same caliber.  That is not an alpha female characteristic. That is just that whiny, brat, i need to have my way mentality. An alpha is not about being able to do and know everything and control everyone. Unlike things i have read.  An alpha is about leading and a leader knows the strengths and weaknesses and bolsters them accordingly.

Personally I have learned and seen first hand just how counter active communication is between men and females. I make a comment that is direct and to the point and regardless it is intrepreted by the female because she won't accept what I said as that is what I said. I really got fed up with that last year with the ny thing and at that point realized how it was a gender trait apparently laced in their dna. Even when I repeatedly state what I have said they still want to go with something else regardless. I found that this was something that I had to break in order to achieve proper communication. So I put forth the plan of action.

When it comes to communication it is essential. Especially for me since I have girls that are long distance. Just in the D/s aspect you have to have communication to have an effective, goal achieving and fulfilling dynamic. Hell, even dating you have to communicate to be involved with each other unless you don't want to be involved and just want the title or illusion of dating.

Case examples:

You have had a bad day or being injured, accosted or some negative impact. You lash out or clam up as I attempt to communicate with you. Leading to me either being frustrated and agitated or walking into an exploding mine.

Tell you how I feel, what i want, need and require. And you intrepret it all and end up with the opposite of everything that I said. This only creates a rift and dismissal basically.

To wrap it up:

Talk, speak and express in a manner that is befitting of the relation or dynamic. Let go of your fear and issues if you actually want to be involved with someone else in a manner that is more than something fleeting.

Communication is intimacy and deepness. So it is a big factor in why people run from it. It is opening up and being a part of someone else instead of being walled up with all the defenses.

I communicate. To get my point across. To let you know where I stand. To let you know what I am about and want.  It is direct. red can tell you that from when I told her that I wanted her and that could see a relationship and marriage with her. All based on if that was anything that she was wanting or interested in at that time.

For me it is always best to put the stuff on the table and find out if you are adult enough to handle it and make a decision or if I need to treat you as a child.

Some interesting convos have been had, heard and discussed. So take what you need and until next time.

Wooo Haaa, I got you all in check!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

すべておよび何も Everything and Nothing at the Same Time

I will walk through hell for you or I will drop you in the deepest pit of hell and throw a building on top of you. 

Love you fully and deeply with all my heart or not remember your name or care if you are even alive anymore. 

I know it is very difficult for females to understand this or grasp these concepts and how I am.  The disbelief and shock that I have chosen my own path and way still disturbs their sensibilities. This has come up with females speaking directly to me as well as those that have spoken to red about how could she be involved with me since I am misogynistic and blah, blah, blah. The ex gf's, gfs and sub and all have had the same thoughts. That thought being...

They can change me. Or I will do just like everyone else. That seems to be the need for the majority of females. This need to do like the masses is not, nor will ever be who or what I am.  I choose not to lower my standards, get topped from the bottom or have a female attempt to lead me. 

So Let It Be Broke...

I love deeply and my apathy for you when you have done wrong is equally as powerful. 
Yes, I am not your friend unless I told you that is all you can be. Nor am I going to be your friend during or after a relationship.
I am direct. I will tell you what I want and what I see as possibility with you. 
If I choose you then it is about you and I. Others outside of that circle will have no relevance to me. 
There are levels to being in my life for those selected few that are in it. 
I differentiate between females and women because there is a huge difference. Most are females and cannot attain womanhood.

So when you have your thoughts and feelings about how I am. I am happy for you. It changes nothing for me and shows me what category you are in. My style weeds out those that are not strong, intelligent or capable enough to think on their own and be able to establish something real and unique. And it always makes me happy to see them run away in their weakness. 

I am able to give everything or nothing. It all depends on your choices and whether you can get out of your own mental prison. 


Yes, Ru my road dawg gets the most. 
red and little one are in their circle.
And the rest are sitting comfortably on the outside of all the circles.

The Alpha and the Omega.


Let Us Participate in Minority BDSM and kink research...Be Heard! *FIXED*

In this day and age of the need to educate I feel that it is important to promote and establish research and understanding. One of my girls has began research on minorities in relation to kink and bdsm. Please help by doing the survey so we can establish more studies, discussion and topics concerning us.

Hello, we are currently recruiting racial, ethnic and sexual minority participants who are over the age of 18 and identify as members of BDSM/kink communities to complete a survey on relationships. The survey is hoping to explore your values and beliefs with regards to relationships and explore how those may be different from majority group members. We are seeking both men and women of a variety of backgrounds to participate. You do not currently have to be in a relationship to participate in the study. Those who complete the survey may opt to be included in a drawing for one of fifty (50) $5 dollar gift cards to Amazon. The link to this research opportunity is

Thank you

Sunday, February 05, 2017

The Formula

High energy flowin' with the wisdom
Sense of a rich man, knowledge and the rhythm
This is what I'm using to come up with a style

The D.O.C. - The Formula

The way that I live, act, think, feel and love. And the D.O.C. definitely put that into words.

It has been a minute. Well since I got back from the adventures and reveals from my new years in indy.

As usual in this Life Unscripted journey there have been plenty of things going on.

There have been heart felt moments that have defined and partially revitalized. There has been reinforcement to why I am ice, ice baby too cold, too cold.  As well as the need for my empty inner sanctum, the inner circle and the you are ok circle when it comes to people in my life.

Parental units and their daughter are excommunicated and left to their own devices. Less issue and work for me. So, yayy!

Moves have been and are being made. The struggle continues to be real as they say.

I am not black enough for the african americans. lmao But hey that is what happens when you think for yourself.  This has been the case since I landed on this planet though.

So, I finally talked to Ru again from last year. Part of the new Borg protocol for everyone and everything that I put in place last year.  Caught up a bit. I had to hear the Ru Life Unscripted adventures.  And in turn she wanted to hear mine but mine are rather muted now.

Ru has always been the one I could be myself fully with and not have to worry about issues, thoughts and views of what others may think or feel or not being able to handle it.  And she has held on for life, sat back and chilled and even cringed on this ride with me.  She was the last bastion of hope that there were women still in this solar system after my Chocolate Doll died.  We have some similarities and then we are completely different as well. She is the social one that males want and is always out and about. I am merely the evil, old hermit. lol

One of those differences is in the area of relations. She has been party to the crazy ass relations and dynamics that I have had and have to this point.  She was glad that the ny thing was gone and questioned me about some others. She said that I have made mistakes and picked some extra fucked up ones. Of course there have been mistakes. But I gave chances to those that didn't deserve it because they couldn't see past their little bo in their heads and I did.  Talking to her also made me realize that she had done like all the other females and moved into a situational relation type of living.  Where you are only interested in, involved with or communicate when it is convenient and you are in the mood.  This has become the way of the world. I have seen it. It is not my thing but accept that it is almost everyone else's.  So like the Watcher or Beyonder I sit back and observe it all. Realizing that any moment they may fly off into the universe.

This and more reinforced The Formula for me. Or My Formula more appropriately.  Each moment in direct correlation and minute to minute calculations.  My evil and anger remains. My love and carin still in place.  There are just more strict protocols in place. Unfettered I remain.

The adventures continue. And there will be more poetry, adventures and thoughts to come.

Letting the instrumental of the Formula play...