Saturday, August 05, 2017

Poetic Reality: I Am Just Your Modern Day CaveMan

I Am Just Your Modern Day CaveMan

I hear the whine and complain
How I need to
Live in the gray area
Conform and change
Evolve they say

My counter point

My evolution
Apparently not on their
List of approval

Sticking to
Principles and the way
Has ostracized
Lessened their so called
Evolutional decay

So they remain
In disdain of me
Of stepping outside of their
Emotional solitary confinement
For not joining them in their

Protection of Me and Mine
Me against the World

The rules
That remain
Survive from
This stone age caveman
Who evolution has already claimed
And exceled into

Living and understanding

Still the
Reigns supreme!

The trendy and nouveau things
The grays and changes

Still just

From the chocolatezeus collection  8/5/17  ©

Poetry: The Noh Mask You See

The Noh Mask You See

You think that it is there to hide
To obscure
You from what is underneath

It is in place to attempt
To get you to focus on
Understanding and acceptance

Yet speaking profound volumes
If only you listen instead of interpreting

Each similar
But holding different reveals
Depending on who is viewing

The inner sanctum
Inner circle
Know my mask

The Midgard circle
And the outer circle
Still contend with their
Inability to remove themselves
From the understanding

For there in each carved line
Each contour
Are the answers to questions that you haven’t even asked yet

To solutions to your
Fears and trepidations

Loving, comfort
Closer walk with me
Deepest understanding

Lies in place
Plainly upon my face

This mask
Gives you the entrance
The opening to

I am the

From the chocolatezeus collection  8/5/17  ©

Chocolate Doll Poetry Moment: At Last

This is something that fell out from a culmination of discussions with folks lately, thinking and the upcoming birthday next week. Made me laugh, remember and understand more clearly current existences.

At Last

 The moment
That decimated
All previous atrocities
 A Man and a Woman
Damn we already beat
The societal, gender and race prophecies
Gorgeous Beauty
 Captured so vividly
Even being there
Was hard to believe
 A miracle
The ultimate anomaly
The Eternity
The Chaos Supreme
 Hearts pumping
Molten lava loving
through the ultimate
The Sun
Crying strange females
As the waves crashed
Upon our beach
 The moment
Where the search for
The elusive woman
Partner and MVP
 Took away
The face of society
The unavoidable lack of
The Deeper things
 As Etta sang again
At Last
 The chains of
About the whole relationship thing
 Laid waste
Laid bare
To the undeniable application
 If you want it
They want it
Then it will be achieved
 At Last
   From the chocolatezeus collection  8/5/17  ©

Poetry of Life: Reality Prescribed

Reality Prescribed

There lies somewhere inside
An answer
A purpose

There is no

The silence guides
Experience defines

Myth busters

The motes
Removed from

My soul
My mind

From the chocolatezeus collection  8/5/17  ©

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Space...The Final Frontier

For those of you that are not classic Star Trek fans that is a line from the opening of the movies and the shows.

In this case I will be discussing it in relation to females saying that they need space when they are in a relationship. This stems from a recent conversation with smiley but has always been one of those on going things.

So yeah, there have been times that females have said or asked for space in the adventures in dealing with them. They are going through what the fuck ever, this or that or they need a break from the relationship as they say.  Those are their choices to ask for that, want it and blah, blah, blah.

My position...

You can ask and take time out to deal with things. But for me that means a few hours or maybe a day or two. It doesn't mean weeks or months or years for those people also. It actually means that you need to process something and you are not dissasembling the relationship but getting things together.

Taking a break from a relationship to me means that there wasn't a relationship in the first place and that if there was then the person taking the break really wasn't into or committed to a relationship anyway.

For example red springs monkey said that she needed a break and we would get back together in two weeks. I told her she could try that but I won't be bothered. I let her get her two weeks so she could go do whatever and when she called back afterwards I told her there was no relationship anymore. She thought I was going to change my mind or it was a joke. Ummm, no having a relationship has meaning to me. Just because it doesn't to you doesn't mean I am going to be bothered.

There is nothing wrong with taking a step back for a moment to deal with things personally. Chocolate Doll and I did that plenty of times. But in doing so doesn't mean going radio silent, no longer having interaction or running off to do other things. It means that you maintain a Real Relationship while you process your stuff. Hell, this happened with us being in the same room at the same time doing our own things.

Females whine and complain "that is so wrong. You just want only your way."  No, I have standards and expectations of having a real relationship. Not some cobbled together faux pas of a relation that lazy females want to use to get by on.

So if you want space, I will give you what you ask for in this case. Disconnected, discontinued, dissassociated existence with me so you can be happy and enjoy your space. Otherwise woman up, understand how independence works in a relationship and actually be in a damn relationship.

So if there is an issue with me having standards, expectations and sticking to those then as they say these days...No Fucks Given.  And like Redman said "I'll Bee Dat!"

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Poetry: Damage Inc.

This is a combination of Damage Control from the marvel comics where they clean up after super hero battles and the aspect of relationships.

Damage Inc.

Recipient of
The aftermath
Aftermath upon aftermath
Of your life’s evidence
 Each venomous drip
Every poisonous dagger
That you keep
Hold onto dearly
From what was
 Me Mr Fix it?
Definitely not
Even trying to help
Leads to deconstruction
More aftermaths for you to
Hold so dearly
Past husband or lover
The issues run deeper than the
San andreas trench could be
 Just here to
Clean up and deal with
The aftermaths
 Hoping that you may finally
Clean those rose colored glasses
So you can see clearly
 Until then
Like tony stark’s team
Just keep working through the rubble
Yielding what lays hidden beneath
 From your
Super hero
Super villain
Relationship battles
 I just tilt my head
Bounce to the beat
 Awaiting the next minute
That the next
Damage will be shown
Set free
   From the chocolatezeus collection   8/1/17  ©

My Poly Is NOT your Poly

  1. polygamy in which a man has more than one wife.
      a pattern of mating in which a male animal has more than one female mate.

This is a lifestyle that I chose a long time ago. It is one that is even more in effect currently since becoming a Dominant. It is NOT about fucking a bunch of females or keeping a damn harem or any other bullshit that people concoct. 

For me it is about hierarchical relationships with more than one female or woman at a time. This is not easy, nor is it all fun and games. Because it requires a lot of attention to things and dealing with attitudes, moods and bullshit when it happens.

But as I have discussed and seen in group chats and even in person the feminists feel that this is wrong because it is not centered around a female. Well kiss my entire ass!  That is not my way and I am not going to become a drone with the rest of the males you have conned into not thinking for themselves.

Another issue for them is that I DO NOT treat their relationships as equal to the relationship and dynamic that they have with me. Because basically it IS NOT equal. As I said it is a hierarchy and not some partnership or equal exchange.  

And because their other relations are not seen as equal to me it adds to the factor of I don't have a reason to meet who they are dating or meta whatever things. That is their thing and not mine. 

What i do care about is who I am in a relationship and dynamic with. i care about how they are feeling. If they have issues with whoever they are dating and all that then we talk. I am concerned about their well being even with whoever they are with. If they get hurt by these people then I support, care for and help them. 

I find that people are so in their judgmental feelings that I do things this way. My way that they have to have their little hissy fits and attitudes that entertain me. Especially the feminists in the black n poly group. Them monkeys always trying to make someone do things their way and it is hilarious as they spout off crap about equality and non judgement and bullshit. 

Do what you want to do. It won't bother me one bit. 

But don't tell me how and what i am supposed to do. 

Because you hold no relevancy over here. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Adult Poetry: Give Me My Tribute *explicit*

It has been forever since I have seen red and when I do I am just going to try to destroy her and break her in all kinds of sadistic, horny, debauchery style applications.

It is way past time and over due for a part of Beast Mode to be loose again!

Give Me My Tribute

No words exchanged
As I look you in the face
Grip your throat
 You see
 Nakedly you stare at me
Your thoughts lost in the
 Open your mouth
 As my dick
Slams inside
Making sure to invade your wind pipe
 Coat it
I want your spit dripping
Off my dick
You worthless bitch
As my strokes turn to pounding
 Your tears form
My eyes follow the drips
 As you luck up at me
Mouth dripping with evidence of
My invasion into your oral cavity
The rope appears
 Box tie
Hog tie
Ladder tie
 You revel in the pleasure
The familiarity and comfort of
The rope against your skin
 Tossed on the bed
You still look for something
Something to be said
 You are merely here
For my pleasure
My enjoyment
Nothing else
 Your hips gripped
Pussy pounded until
You have what I require
Full swollen pussy lips
 The beatings commense
Kendo sticks
 Beating your body with
Delicious purpose
The cadence
The evidence of my
Beast Mode needs
 Grabbing your throat
Bending you backwards
Your ass bouncing
As dick invades
Again and again
 Slaps to the face
Evidence of a worthless whore
A tool for my
Pleasure and reverence
 Every whole invaded
Every whole fucked into submission
 Your mind in sub space
Your body brutalized
You stay there floating
 As I leave you there
While you attempt to curl up
Like a kitten
 Only to whisper in your ear
 Your payment has not been received
Your offering is insufficient
 I Am Not Finished
   From the chocolatezeus collection  7/30/17  ©