This is dedicated to the one person that came out the blue and became God's blessing to me. All I can say is THANK YOU!
Within these buffeted winds
Storms rage
Destruction cascades
But I am secure
Anchored to an unmoving shore
My anchor
Heartfelt and pure
Looking past the folk lore
To merely see the man that adores
An always opens up doors
With you radiating along every floor
My anchor
When all else fails
You always prevail
Ready to set sail with me
Not afrad of the adventure we seek
My anchor
The lifeline of my heartbeat
Comforting me while I sleep
Producing my ecstasy
Completely giving of me
My anchor
With you I drit aimlessly
Back and forth
Yielding the destruction you see
Not what it should be
NO longer am I the storm that people see
You anchor me
from the chocolatezeus collection 6/10/06 (c)