Thursday, February 01, 2018

Poetry: Chain of Command

Chain of Command

Come one, come all
There is enough room for all of you
To be enemies against me
So join the movement
Join the force

Just me against all of you
Enemies of this state
Taking stake against me
Intimately and afar

Life Unscripted Army of one
With a general on call

Still they think they know me
That they can change and defeat me
The beginning of their fallacies
With a ride on an apocalyptic heart beat

As the ice, ice has formed
The ramparts may be worn but strong
And mass destruction is my
Natural form

From the circles of trust
To the contracts of connection
With failed Ultraman type
Relation realizations

Rouge subordinates
Sabotagers of

Living it all fully

The breakdown came
Rebellion was made

Results remained the same
Hierarchy remains
Command structure retained

Chain of command still King

From the chocolatezeus collection  2/1/18  ©

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Very interesting, Interesting indeed

There have been a number of eclipsing light bulb effects that have gone off lately. With everything that has been going on it allowed me to truly have a clear space to de evolve a number of things into proper context.

It was definitely an interesting weekend. Considering shit going down that I had no part of and was mentioned in. Ehh, that is humans for you.

Rolling by yourself with no one else makes for quiet times with no attitudes or turmoil. Well, none created by me. lol

I realized my decisions that made last year and the protocols I set into place where visionary and damn on point considering actions, activities and observations that have happened so far this year.  *I love it when a plan comes together*

Funeral stuff is done. I am fine. My emotions and feelings are fine. Besides memories of burying my wife and my grandmother I am good.

This also put into very clear perspective of relations, relationships, dynamics and those I have let into my circles.

After a good chuckle and some confirmation today. I am going to do what I do regardless.  Keep moving forward relentlessly. Take no prisoners. And keep the Life Unscripted Team held high to it's truest form and reality.

Be Me
Motherfucking Me

*Me, Myself and I*

off to the spot now to let the pen spit and reality split