It has been a hot one these last days and weeks basically.
The weekend was rough. The heat and doing everything in the heat. But we got things done and I am glad that I could help. I do try to be helpful with things at times when I can. For mine especially as well as others when I can that are approved.
From the heat of atlanta to the the heat of here in bama and this house so I can see what I can expedite and make happen for him to move and let this place go. After arguing about everything once again I am done once again and ready to head back. So it is what it is.
People have issue when you stand your ground. They need you to do, act, and be like what they think, feel and say. It hurts their little feelings when you wont be just like them and make them feel better about themselves. Since I won't give them what they want or play along I am a huge issue in that. But it is all good.
I helped because I want to and can at times. I don't help everyone because that is not who I am. But when I do then I do! It feels good but it is who I am also.
The countdown is well underway and things are definitely going to be different this celebration. How different I don't know but I do know it will be pleasantly different celebration.
A lot on the mind. Well, a lot more than usual i will say and that is a billion times more than normal folks so there is your reference. lol
Enjoy the heat and have a good one