Offending Everything
Swirling patterns of things
Tornado up lifts ravishing
Gnashing of teeth
They can’t stand me
I relish in it
The feeling of disenchantment
General issue
Breathing in
Their feelings and emotions
Content on their malcontent
At times
A driven accoutrement
Other times testament to
Being an individual and different
Being outside the pack
Sparks a huge amount of
Animosity to vent
For when you don’t
Conform and go their way
They rise up to
Usurp your independence
Seeking you to fall in line
Prevail on the expedition
Of killing the individualistic
Caustic representations
Of drone and automatic situations
As if we were artificial life forms
Run of the mill
The norm
I can’t
I won’t
Continue to break the mold
Destroy the grain
Stain the pristine character
Of your disillusionment
I am here
To offend
From the chocolatezeus collection 3/5/08 ©