Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Blitzkrieg upon the Black Man

The Black Man.  A highly targeted and endangered species. The attackers? white supremicists of course along with feminists, government, black people and females.

In the news the black man is the mass shooter, street corner robbing, thugnificent.

Family and relationships equal us seen as pimp, playa, deadbeats that cheat and destroy the so called female.

In other words no matter what the Black Man inspires fear, loathing and the need to imprison.

So, the existence of the Black Man is just like Punisher: War Zone. We just have to keep fighting until we are completely dead and against absolutely everyone.

The latest things is this toxic masculinity bullshit. Just another assault by the femanazis to try and destroy the black man some more. It is like there needs to be this pseudo male that they can keep underneath their boot to try and feel like somebody complex.  This seems to come from the whole ultra damaged female needing to project, attack and make responsible anyone they come across for their past. So here come the petty, whining, I don't want to make an effort but wait until I am in the mood and ready type of females.

It use to be simply defending against the attack of racists and government. Now it has become those things along with females and our own race. This increase created a bigger rift between black men and black women. And gave those that fear more ammunition to use.

As a black man we have squash the rhetoric and keep moving forward. Remove those that are not allies and are in this concocted fear from our lives. Educate those that can be educated and stick to our principles, goals and achievements.

As black men we must continue to


against all enemies. Foreign, domestic, familial as well as relationship wise.

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