With everything going on lately. From the popular consent violators attacking someone new in the lifestyle to the dealing with all the things that life presents. I wasn't prepared for today.
Charlie died today. And it hit me hard. I made me think about life, living and the frailty of existence.
Who was Charlie?
He was an ex biker that road with many of the biker gangs including the Hell's Angels. He lived the rebel and alternative life before it became a fad or acceptable. A large, white man that was on dialysis and used a walker after all the years and adventures. He held the long toss on hillsborough street in raleigh for tossing a guy from the top of the stairs of the bar and through the door out into the street with out hitting the stairs. He was history, knowledge, entertainment and manly before the tree hugging, sensitive me too hate mongers showed up.
There were stories about it all and so much more.
So when I walked into the cigar shop today and my boy all of sudden called me to come over using a lower town of voice I was wondering what was going on. Telling me that Charlie died at home this morning shook me. I had to gain my composure and mindset. WTF! I just saw him and was talking to him in the shop yesterday. He was supposed to go home and cook the boudin to eat finally.
Charlie's wife had come in the shop to tell everyone a few minutes before josh and I arrived. And I am kind of glad because I don't think I would have held it together at that point.
My fellow man that spoke and understood gruntanese.
My man that didnt like humans either.
The man with such a similar disposition as I it was funny.
Yesterday was the last day I had to see and speak with him. And today he is gone.
I was extra shocked that he spoke to his wife about me. Because she told me how much charlie enjoyed being around me at the shop he told her. I was and am still speechless. His wife said that she was going to cook the boudin tonight in honor of him. Then she tells me that charlie wanted me to have something. And now I am mute. I don't have anything to say.
As I sit here still in shock. I am glad he isn't suffering and didn't suffer when he died it seems. But damn I am going to miss him.
This drink is for you Charlie!!
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