Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Us Against the...Oops I Mean Me Against the World

In the concept of relating (relationships,) there are remnants of the concept of being partners, a team or whatever other phrases that are good for you. In that concept you stick and hold together. Taking care of each other and creating safety amid the storm of life.

The relationships and marriage that I had were based on the principle of "us versus them," mentality. And that worked well in the past. But society has changed and adopted a very different outlook and approach on all things that have the basis of interaction with others in it. That current basis is comfort and selfishness.

Are you able to be a true partner with someone? Or is that a catch phrase you use when it is convenient, comfortable and suits your needs?

Things are always easy when everything is going well and there are no problems. But the true measure of a person in a relationship is when things happen, there are disagreements and things that are not cotton candy style. At that point they show you if you are in a relation or whatever you may want to define it.

Bottom line I am the Neanderthal still thinking that my girl, girls, partner or whatever and I are a team and should be rolling like one with our individuality's intact.  Damn that is so misogynistic, sexist and chauvinistic of me!

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