‘Doctor Who’ Personality Quiz: Which Doctor Are You?
This is the big one. We may have teased you in the past with such relative fripperies as How Would You Deal With An Alien Invasion?, Which Companion Are You?, Could You Survive as the Doctor’s Companion? and even How Daleky Are You?,
but this is where we take your core values, your character and the
things that make you you, and boil them down to one of thirteen
essential types within the Time Lord we all know so well.
This is not a test of how well you know your Doctor Who, and there are no value judgements. Each of the faces of the Doctor has something uniquely great about him, and if you happen to be closest to a Doctor that is not your favorite, well maybe it’s like that thing where similar magnetic poles repel one another.
And we’ve updated the quiz to include recent developments. So, thirteen Doctors (including the War Doctor), thirteen questions, with thirteen answers each. Answer truthfully and see what—and, most importantly Who— you get:
This is not a test of how well you know your Doctor Who, and there are no value judgements. Each of the faces of the Doctor has something uniquely great about him, and if you happen to be closest to a Doctor that is not your favorite, well maybe it’s like that thing where similar magnetic poles repel one another.
And we’ve updated the quiz to include recent developments. So, thirteen Doctors (including the War Doctor), thirteen questions, with thirteen answers each. Answer truthfully and see what—and, most importantly Who— you get:
Which Doctor Am I?
I am the War Doctor of course!!!!
Life is too short for mucking about. You have a job to do and you are committed to doing it, whatever the consequences may be. While every bit as charming (in your own way) as any of your fellow Doctors, you feel like you were put here for a purpose, and you find it quite hard to rest until all the work is done.
This can sometimes make life feel like a bit of a burden for you, and result in the occasional moment of short-temper with other people's silliness or their strange choice of personal expression. It's OK, the people who love you know you don't mean it really.
And despite your crusty exterior, they really do love you. Your greatest admirers would be prepared to make extraordinary sacrifices on your behalf if the chips are down, so don't feel that you have to carry that burden alone.
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