Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dynamic, Decisive Disregard Equals What Must Be

Realization. It came as a crushing blow. Even though it was foreseen a long time ago.

The one thing that I vowed not to allow to happen occurred.  I became soft and weak.  Has becoming a widower and interactions with the humans made me this week? Smdh.  Shame, shame, shame.

I let feelings get in the way of being. Let the concept destroy what should and always will be.

Dominant. It is who and what I am. Always have been. Most of the time in the past without any effort at all. Naturally it has happened.  I got away from actively doing what I need to do. Succumbed to complacency and fluffy things.

Yes, I treated the subs and slaves this way. There was nothing invested with them. Unfortunately the invested one is the one that I should have treated the same way as well.  Left with the point of "make or break."  It is my fault I slipped so badly in this way.

Time to drop the Nuke...

Throw the hands up and let whatever happens be the way

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