Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spoken Word: Beats, Thoughts and Conclusion

Beats thump
Give way to callous thought
Revocation of resemblance
To concerns lost

The black and blues
Hues of anger
Concussive revelations

I am the darkness
That was sought
Careening through
Emotions and feelings
Angered at their cause

Borg like mentality
Transmuted to Pudding soft

Where art thou
Too much has been lost

Scorch the universe
Stain existence with
The presence of the return to
What I am

Stand within the flames
Drinking gasoline
Smiling brightly

Return from misrepresentation
Fabrication of soft infestation
Necessary cleansing
The only available application

For tis I

The representative of
Light and Dark

I am the
Evil Mark

from the chocolatezeus collection  4/19/15  (c)

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