Friday, August 25, 2017

Poetry: Gargoyle Serenade

Gargoyle Serenade

Crimson and cream
Permanency in black

Different like atoms
Still similar like

I am
The monument to evil
Angry and distant
Yet right there

Disbelief in my choice in

Bathed in
Their blood
The blood of their enemies

My duty
My watch
To the end of the campaign

I remain

Etched in stone
Weathered and worn
Simplistically cold
Stalwart complexity

My presence
Each step a stomp to a Masta Ace beat
Even in silence my presence assaults like the 501st
Intended and unintended intimidation

Flat line
Your heart, soul and mind
For what I represent
Like finding an alien invasion

Yet I remain
Throughout all the storms
Self-destruction and preservation

I am the buckler when you waver
The bodyguard that stands out the way
Tank that rolls through everything
The war that you never have to bring or manage

From the chocolatezeus collection  8/25/17  ©

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