Saturday, August 26, 2017

Music and this Cigar are Life Support Right Now

I got DJL3XX and Milkman mixes thumping in my ears and smoking a cigar. Because I need it right now!

It is rough arguing with parental units. Auntie is telling me not to argue with them. So I will do more episodes of Damage Inc.

So I did the only things I can do to deal with being here in bama. Got dropped off and walked to the cigar shop. Stayed in my music and to my damn self.

The fortress of solitude is being built bigger and better with everything that has gone on this year. Others can be more comfortable and it strengthens me to be all the Oyabun that I need to be!

I need some bottles of liquor and some shine.

I hope your weekend is going better than mine.

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