Sunday, April 26, 2015

All Night Long

I have been on that everclear and tea mixed with cigars all night long. No sleep for the ABM chair.

Thumping Onyx, Poison Clan and Too Short. The BBB trifecta.

Got to love how the music takes over. The effect and need of life and living. Saying all the things that you need. Expressing what you may feel and think.

The Muse has come in full force. When life gives you experiences I can let it spill and murder ink. Better to express that way than go back to the old school days.

Darkside Rule

Descendent of
Pimps and players

I am the reason
Your frustration and misunderstanding

My name brings out
Cringes and jealousy
Desired carnal knowledge
And disbelief

Evil incarnate
Because I just don’t
Give a shit
About you or what
You feel or think

No deviance
As I remain the
Ultimate Deviant

Who me?
You must be
Fucking joking

I am a
Represented of
Eternal darkness

Here is where I remain
Upon my throne
Entertained by the
Monkeys and humans

Till the end of time
Darkside rule
My legacy and legend
Permanent imprint on
Souls and minds

The Evil
Am I

Now keep that in mind

From the chocolatezeus collection  4/26/15  ©

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