Monday, January 27, 2020

Submission: It is Not a tug of war

In this day and age of different ways, ideals and all there are some things that just remain the same..

Submission is one of those things.

Submission is the act of yielding to an authority. It is a choice to be made and done.

But, in my experiences I have been part of and witnessed things like:

  • You have to make me submit to You
  • if You do like this guy does then i will submit

In these examples and others it is not about submission. It is about control or lack there of. And that is fine. If you want control then be in control. Do not act like you want submission as you constantly doing anything and everything you can to be in and maintain control.

This is such an important part of things in bdsm and life. This need to have a tug of war because of fear, vanity and whatever else is just not necessary 

Either submit or do not submit!  It is just that simple. 

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