Saturday, September 07, 2019

The Facade, The Last Ride and dorian

Life Unscripted continues...

My boy Charlie's wife brought his ashes to the shop monday. We smoked and talked as he was represented there in his walker chair. His wife hugged me and told me how much he enjoyed me and everything. We had a bond that didn't need to be said most of the time. And I was emotional over his loss and I still am. She gave me the knife he kept in his pocket for over 20 years, saying that she knows that he would want me to have it. Moving. I am moved. So he should have taken his last ride to the mountains to be spread at Devil's crossing I think is the name of the place.

Dealing with real life when it comes to D/s is trying to say the least. It can be constant battles and putting out fires. It is stress, worry and agitation. It is good as well. But it is a gamut of things unlike the faerie tale ideologies.

The community:
There are so many types and all when it comes to the community of bdsm. Because there are so many different people involved in or claiming it. Just like vanilla life we have to watch for the predators, violators, snake oil salesmen and all. This is why I observe, speak out and act accordingly. Not to be popular or need to be friends with everyone. But because that is my way and personal integrity.

It seems like there are more and more stypes that have brought even more of the vanilla mentality to this realm. Where they need to lash out, talk loud and get in their little feelings because they are damaged and their past. It merely shows me who not to interact with or let interact with My House. The whole lump everyone together mentality is strong in these ones.

It is an oxymoron to have females claiming they are independent, strong and do their own thing but scared to leave their damages, past and issues to enjoy life as well as date. The so called "I need to go slow," comment is so they feel comfortable and can control something that they have chosen not to have control over. And they scream and run away if you are a man that speaks his mind and is up front. Because that is all too mean and something they can't comprehend. I don't think or feel like them so why should they think that I should?

The hurricane aka dorian ended up being a tropical storm. It wasn't bad at all. It was what was to be expected actually. It passed quickly with minimal damage to the house. I am very appreciative of those that checked on me and showed concern.

The facade:
In this alternative lifestyle many people think that everyone should think and be alike. Like we are all drones from the same clone. Our paths, histories and lives are completely unique from each others.

So called leaders have chosen the path of popularity and fraud in this lifestyle. Charlatans are everywhere. People want to be upset because you speak against it. No, don't say anything because of blah, blah, blah. Well, I am not that person at all. I am not perfect but I am not claiming to be who I am not in this lifestyle or trying to use folks.

if you are interested in someone then be direct. Don't play games and try to drop hints because you are scared. Seize the moment! I especially do not get these so called hints. Escape your personal prison and live.

With all that said enjoy your weekend and be yourself.

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