Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Poetry in Motion: The Entrance of Onslaught

The Entrance of Onslaught

Let me explain if you didn’t know
Do you have any idea why I am not your
Thoughts, feelings and actions?

I watch your lips flap
As you attempt to explain to me

My thoughts
My feelings
My experiences

I heard you had something to say
Just not to me or my way
Stay in the shadows where you remain slain
Because I am over your head
Leaving your mind stalled

Do you know what this is called?
Freedom of thought and being

Pimp slapping the world in the mouth
Grounding enemies under steel boot heels

Integrity to self
Unable to kowtow to anyone else
Just commit seppuku while I remain myself
As I continue to be entertained by your sheeple self

I won’t stop my assault
Until well after you are past realizing you can’t change me
Your relevance remains erased molecules to me

I am not what you thought
Nor the project you sought

You thought you were ready
Able to conquer this Beast

You were not ready for the

From the chocolatezeus collection  9/11/19  ©

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