Wednesday, January 24, 2018

So you Think you Deserve a Collar?

Collaring is a physical representation of a D/s or M/s relationship. It is equated to a wedding ring for some and basically that weird concept I understand called a friendship ring for others.  So there is no all encompassing definition that fits all.

I have discussions about my position on collaring. So I will address it here...

For me collaring is representing me and my dynamic. It is honor, prestige and respect. To me it says that you are mine and a part of me and the future. It isn't something that comes easy or quick. It is based on learning, understanding, accepting, trust, ability to follow and the committed passion to the dynamic.

The desire and ability to become collared is not for everyone. It may be something that was never wanted, something that is out of their ability to trust and or understand or just something that is not part of their available ability or skill set.

Some Dominants have a very specific and set amount of time before they will think about collaring their sub or slave. At that point they evaluate if the person is actually on track to being collared or ready.

My journey into collaring does have a time span where a sub or slave will have the chance to learn, show and grow. It is on the low end 2 years. But at that point if I feel that there is still ability there or more things to learn with the probability to be collared then that will be extended until it is shown that they are ready or that they won't be ready.

What are the things that are important to me for collaring?

  • Alignment of wills
  • Commitment
  • Dedication
  • Adaptability
  • Passion

The journey is not easy. It will be filled with trials, tribulations and learning.  And that is on both sides of the slash. Not just one or the other. Because investing in each other in a dynamic requires those that actually want to be in a dynamic and have collaring involved to go through the pitfalls to strengthen and enhance their dynamic through it all.

So my question to those that are interested like I asked those I have conversed with is...


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