Thursday, August 09, 2018

Your choice of support and a Blast from the Past

So the trip to brooklyn trip was like running a gauntlet through hell while being behind at all times. 48 hours of dealing with the parental unit, his attitude, him thinking that he know it all and trying to tell someone what to do all the time.

From dealing with the courthouse there and their chaos and not know what they are doing. To having to park at the sister hotel 4 blocks away because of them working on their parking deck.

Thankfully the apartment had aired out a bit because they had left the windows open. The place was a mess but that is probably because everyone has been coming in and whatever they already stole.

So from Sunday at 830am to returning on Tuesday at 5am it was pure hell. I drove most of the way there and back. Thankfully not all. Didn't really eat anything until like Monday night.

So all this and still have to find this boys ex wife and if he had kids or not. Total mess.

I posted that I was smelling piss and shit on one of the Facebook pages and people saw it. And A chick I fucked and semi dated also saw it. Hit me up thinking I was still in ny. But we didn't have a falling out or anything. So she was trying to get together but I was already gone. Will have to get together again. At least she knows that I am not a people person unlike others. lol I was like damn, and you and I haven't even seen each other in well over a decade.

But if I care, love or let you into anything with me then you know I am supporting and there for you.

But what I won't do is be around if you want to endanger yourself and everything. you are grown and make your own decisions so enjoy that.

If you don't want to be involved or interact then it is all good. I will sit back and not give a fuck. If you speak I will talk if I am in the mood or ignore you. But there will be nothing there at all. even if we were together, we dated or whatever else.

I am not carrying dead weight and drama contained individuals anymore.

No longer will I stand in the way for individuals to make their decisions, enjoy their distance, separation, drama and all. I will merely step across the street and watch the show they bring while yelling back at them if they try to communicate with me across the street

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