In my yin and yang existence I have given, shown and been some hardcore love, affection and passion. I will protect, stand side by side and go to war without a second thought. I am the father of the devil and act accordingly.
But I can't and won't fight against those that I love and care about. I cannot make them see, understand or accept things that are against.
This has come in the form of just being there for a chick. Available to talk and listen. To let me into their life and to stay there. That intimate connection that I like and enjoy. But in this day and age there has been an advance decree on making sure to keep distance no matter what for the proper escape clause and minimal investment clauses. Because their past delegates their future and fear of vulnerability leaves them barren.
The destructive and caustic weight of society has created females that hate themselves for not being some unrealistic representation of what the nazis have decided is what should be. So when I am attracted to them and show them that I get negative and or dismissive comments from them. what is the point? A man is supposed to fight you and re program you to be with you? Yeah, that is asinine. Even after you have been with them the whole personal defamation of character is retained.
So as a man I remain behind the eight ball because females have chosen to be in this unattainable situation. Make the environment safe as possible and with as much support as possible. Only for any implied, overt or thoughts of fraction that occurs being a major assault against them. I say nay to thee!
Just stuff that came out with everything going on and interactions with folk lately.
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