Monday, March 12, 2018

Week in Review...Cigar shop style

I am dealing with it all as usual. Making things happen and keep moving forward.

Love life is...   Yeah, that shit is fucking funny right now. Tossing the hand nuke on that and moving on.

So I have to laugh because the guys and girl at the cigar shop are looking out for me. It is funny how they be on the look out for me on kink stuff as well. Hell they looked out for me with the kilt and some toys. lol But it really is entertaining how they are shocked by how I am. As has been said I am unlike any black man that they have met. From discussion on bdsm and poly to weapon systems and political policies. the diversity struck them with awe at first and then they got use to it. Conversations are always all over the place and we solve everything daily.

The issues with the male parental unit only get worse.

I am sticking to being by myself even more except for the few new ones that keep my interest and interact with.  And I am probably going to down grade some more on the new front as well as my ongoing downgrading of known unknowns.

Things have gone on to spark creativity so I have been writing a lot. Inspirations always help inspire hot nasty sex writing and deep heartfelt expressions.

I am here within this whirlwind
reaping the Reaper
knowing my position
holding true to existence

I walk into this week amid the assaults. With the taste of darkness upon my soul.

have a great week. Make sure to invest time and effort into those who you are involved with and those things that need to be done.

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