Thursday, August 03, 2017

Space...The Final Frontier

For those of you that are not classic Star Trek fans that is a line from the opening of the movies and the shows.

In this case I will be discussing it in relation to females saying that they need space when they are in a relationship. This stems from a recent conversation with smiley but has always been one of those on going things.

So yeah, there have been times that females have said or asked for space in the adventures in dealing with them. They are going through what the fuck ever, this or that or they need a break from the relationship as they say.  Those are their choices to ask for that, want it and blah, blah, blah.

My position...

You can ask and take time out to deal with things. But for me that means a few hours or maybe a day or two. It doesn't mean weeks or months or years for those people also. It actually means that you need to process something and you are not dissasembling the relationship but getting things together.

Taking a break from a relationship to me means that there wasn't a relationship in the first place and that if there was then the person taking the break really wasn't into or committed to a relationship anyway.

For example red springs monkey said that she needed a break and we would get back together in two weeks. I told her she could try that but I won't be bothered. I let her get her two weeks so she could go do whatever and when she called back afterwards I told her there was no relationship anymore. She thought I was going to change my mind or it was a joke. Ummm, no having a relationship has meaning to me. Just because it doesn't to you doesn't mean I am going to be bothered.

There is nothing wrong with taking a step back for a moment to deal with things personally. Chocolate Doll and I did that plenty of times. But in doing so doesn't mean going radio silent, no longer having interaction or running off to do other things. It means that you maintain a Real Relationship while you process your stuff. Hell, this happened with us being in the same room at the same time doing our own things.

Females whine and complain "that is so wrong. You just want only your way."  No, I have standards and expectations of having a real relationship. Not some cobbled together faux pas of a relation that lazy females want to use to get by on.

So if you want space, I will give you what you ask for in this case. Disconnected, discontinued, dissassociated existence with me so you can be happy and enjoy your space. Otherwise woman up, understand how independence works in a relationship and actually be in a damn relationship.

So if there is an issue with me having standards, expectations and sticking to those then as they say these days...No Fucks Given.  And like Redman said "I'll Bee Dat!"

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