Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What is a Submissive to Me?

It is a common question and one that is asked a number of times.

For me it is someone that chooses to come under service, direction and leadership of another person. She can be the ruler of half the planet, a ceo or professor with 4 noebel prizes.  When all of that is said and done she is the charge of her Dominant.

This is not something that is coerced or forced upon them. I personally question the use of the word submission when they want to be forced into doing it basically. This is supposed to be of free will and action.

It can be a hard or impossible ability for people. Because it requires trust, commitment and no longer only getting your way. An alignment of wills that basically females have been taught against doing in life from their conception.

Nor is submission something easy or immediate for most. It takes time, effort, commitment and growth.

It has taken my little one over a year to become mostly aligned because of life and the things that she was use to and how she is and all.  It took understanding and seeing the goals that were set along with the goals that were achieved. And of course there is still a lot of work to do on the journey.  But with effort, commitment and attentiveness we will keep right on moving.

Oh yeah, there have been the pitfalls. The fraudulent submissive, the topping from the bottom submissive as well as the burger king submissive (have it my way.)  They have shown that I have to be vigilant against things like them trying to manipulate you to get their way or do things some other so called doms way and everything else.

So being a submissive to me is many things. Most are not the suck, fuck and play kind (even though I love those.)  There are things like organizing files. Taking dictation and a lot of dicktation as well.  Doing research for me. Trip planning and shopping. There are so many things that happen and will be in the submissive's domain of service.  But most importantly is honor, duty, integrity to this house, our dynamic.

So there is my little answer for those that haven't asked me yet out of those that have. Or those that have and just want to verify.

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