You can say yes to being a submissive. Even believe in it. But do your actions and words match each other?
See, everyone is happy when it is a nice romantic episode that caters to you and goes your way. But when things becoming challenging and real then you see the submissives from those that are not ready or able to be a submissive.
- 1.the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.
This key understanding and action is what makes D/s possible, worthwhile and great.
But, it cannot do that when you are choosing to fight against the same thing you claim that you want and are ready for. If you don't trust the Dominant then don't be in a dynamic, relation, situationship or whatever you want to call it with them. Believe me as a Dominant I have no interest in you if you can't actually be a submissive.
Examples of activities against your submission:
- The need to talk back and respond to anything that is said or done without the proper protocol to respond. This is that knee jerk reaction that you are not going to do anything. Or your I am not going to tell him issues and he won't know.
- You are told or asked to do something and you respond how you can't do that or won't do that. Yet, you have never put it on a hard limit list or anything. It just pops up conveniently for you.
- Your inability to be open to learning, growth and achievement. The point of D/s for me is this very primary cause and effect. If you mentally are unable to step outside of your tiny little box you have with the opportunity and destination to be better than where you came from then take care and have a nice trip.
My submissives are to serve me. But it is a number of ways like honor, trust, accomplishment, service, growth, understanding and achievements. When you have that closed mind that you brought with you in your vanilla life and bdsm life then you have decided that you are not able to be submissive. Nor do you want to or want to change that. I have experienced this first hand in different ways. It is unacceptable to me and why I either put them in their personalized box that they want to keep or make sure that they EXIT STAGE RIGHT.
This is a journey that is not all cotton candy. It is not all smiley and shining objects. It is hard at times. It is painful at times. It will make you question and think.
If you are not able to handle this and more then please don't infect those that want to with your psychosis.
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