Since the AD era i have been letting a lot of things slide. I have been allowing some of those old nice guy issues show up again. Just because of who I have been involved with.
So, I went back to the grassroots today.
I will and can give you my all. If you want and are able to accept it. My ways are not yours. And I have and will adjust to those that I am vested in. But there has to be acceptance. Which I have found to be an issue for others.
I will stick to my rules of engagement. Focusing only on those things that are viable and workable. That means that I will take a chance with people as always but I will not hold on forever to see if they can get to the same place.
When it comes to communication I will only speak my mind and not do all the sugar coating that others want to be comfortable. Continuing to be straightforward is my only way.
When it comes to females I will continue to give them a blank slate to show me who and what they are. But I will not do whatever dance they have concocted in their heads to make them feel better about themselves. In require a female to be able to decide if they want to do with me. There will not be episodes of me chasing them or breaking a through defenses to get them to realize things.
I love deeply and I will continue to do so. But I am going to further streamline who recieves and has the opportunity for my love, affection and caring. Making sure that the worthy are thrones in the right spot only. Love will make things work and I am not scared of or fighting it like others. I believe in relationships that both of us want to and are working to maintain and keep the relationship working. Those that don't want to put forth the effort I don't want.
If you know me and have a relationship with me then you know how I treat you differently than the humans. Most cannot and will not appreciate that. And that is fine. I will continue being the evil, mean, asshole bastard that I am to everyone. I am not here to please everyone and make them happy. But if you are or were in one of my close circles then you were special and important to me.
So the cromagnon man is in FULL effect.
I thankall that have contributed to the learning experiences both personally and by proxy.
Say hello to the bad guy!!
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