When the talk of chivalry comes up people are stuck on what it use to be. Mainly females. But when you want to go with this "think like a man" mentality you can't have it both ways. So you add to the stupid confusion that is already prevalent.
I have watched the deterioration of relationships for no reason. Well no reason that made any sense outside of their own head. Because when one chooses to change the relationship and disregard what the relationship meant and was then they made a choice that they no longer want to be in it.
This ridiculous mess of staying with someone that you are miserable with and need to constantly argue with is unbelievable. And these individuals will come up with any excuse in the universe to make it make sense to them. Sleeping in separate bedrooms. Pretending children don't know and using them as excuses.
The ideology that females can be males has gotten them and everything thoroughly fucked up. But that has been the goal apparently.
The use of words like family and loyalty have really messed up people that already didn't a clue in the first place. And now they spit this rhetoric like they have knowledge of something but yet have no clue at all.
We are at perpetual war. Blacks are targeted and executed. And the rich have decided to eliminate and/or enslave everyone else so they can stay where they are at and get richer.
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