Simi, Twin and I hit up this hole in the wall spot called JR's on the west side of the atl. I think off bankhead.
Place was cool. We chilled and drank and danced to some music. The dj played a damn good selection.
I knew I was getting old when I had to ask Simi what the hell was being said in the songs. I just dance and enjoy the beat for the most part anyway. LOL
But damn how in the hell do you have a club and tell people they can't give lap dances? Twin was giving Simi a lap dance and the guy stopped her saying she couldn't do that. I am looking like that is crazy considering the area we are in. And he said she couldn't dance on or near the floor on the dance floor either.
Well damn. everyone in there was over thirty so what in the hell?
There were my type of women in there too. Very sexy real tall light skinned chick. And some other chicks caught my eye. Even the thick thick with the really big ass and low self esteem. Simi was like how do you know she has low self esteem? I pointed to the chick as she danced and all she said was "oh". I have come to be able to spot them easier these days now.
Twin ended up being nice and tore up drunk. She was dancing with these two ghetto chicks all over each other and together. One misshappened chick with the weird half shoulder shirt and the gray draws with pants that were too tight hanging up under her belly. I was just laughing and cracking up.