Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Something Sang, Something Said, Something Felt

Must Be Nice

I found you
My diamond in the rough
A total coincidence
Yet something that I learned I couldn’t easily give up

Growing into the formidable two that we are
You held me down, even when I was dragging the ground
Fought through it all
From the fights to side splitting falls

Come home to you
Knowing that you were there
Greeted with that gifted smile
Even if it took a little while

Maybe it easy to always come home
To get rid of the thoughts to roam
My Baby was right there at home

Pussy is what it is…something to get into, something to do
But what I got is what makes me happy at home

When life has come completely apart
My strength lays in your hands
My heart and soul has left me
You are there to brace it all together
To keep everything together

For I am not invincible
Nor is life all that sensible
Many times I have been left defenseless and expendable
You stayed by my side just holding on

You… the strong woman
Is why I love where I belong
Here with you in my arms
Or walking along laughing with your loud tone

For no matter our faults or issues
Acceptance was a must
To peas of different strands
Yet in our Unique pod was simply Marvelous US
No one could understand us

My wifey
Mother of my unborn
Here upon your bosom is where I rest during the storms

No need for party scenes
I continue chilling at home with my queen
Lets laugh and talk
Play and profess our life’s interests

You are my only FAMILY interest
Life ahead of me benefits
God’s blessings represented

No wonder I am content
Happy no matter what the incident
Knowing we can make it through any event

From the chocolatezeus collection 7/17/06 ©

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