Have you ever had that thing or person that you craved but you could never have? That pit of your stomach type need. Your thoughts gravatate towards it without a second thought.
Forbidden Fruit
We are what we need to each other
Neither of us would have thought
That we could be enthralled like this
Put in a position like this
Longing for more moments
More kisses
Just to be within your presence
Soaking up all of your essence
Constantly on my mind
Loving each other even as distant lovers
A love like nothing other
Into each other
Soul caressing one another
Both of us caught
Releasing qualities that are the opposite of what we truly are
Wonder Twin powers activate
Two hearts beating as one
Thoughts of together flow like water
Our minds and hearts melted
Joined within our souls
Given into each other
A deep connection
Though seperated
With someone else
We long to be together somewhere else
To enjoy each others presence
To drink from each others pure essence
For in you I found something extremely rare
A Gem that I have to share
But it remains kept closely guarded
Something I will never ever be able to part with
My love for you
For what we have shared and gone through
Naturally we have come to this plane of existence
To know that our past has been enriched
Regrets of wanting more
Of the loving nature we have in store
Man, woman wanting so much more
So as you there with your man
I don't deny my need for you
My want to be yours
You to be mine
Hearts filled like a daily Valentine
For I still taste my forbidden fruit
Long after it is gone
In need for another dose
Lord please give me another taste of it
from the chocolatezeus collection (c) 5/14/06
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