Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Cancer Style

Here I am that passionate lover with that deep dark side within me.

When I give you my heart I will always be there by your side. Loyal and supportive, is my way. That is, until you cross me aned become my liability. My heart and soul are given to you. I will give of myself freely and completely.

These parts of me bring passion and emotionality. Passion to do what it takes to keep things great. To make love deeply and intently. To discuss and stick with or adjust to principalities. Though I hide and show no emotions at times, those that have meaning to me will have the privledge of seeing that special part of me. Most everyone on the outside sees me as mean, evil, crazy and unfeeling. And that is the way that it should be for they have no right to get to know me. But even those that know me only get to certain levels depending on my relationship with them. Only a few really know me and then no one knows it all for that was reserved for a wife. But a best friend or very close friends will know the best of me.

Of course with emotions comes the OTHER side of me. The mood, analytical part of me. At times bringing insanity and turmoil into the fray. I know that things can set me off in the blink of an eye. We are the ones prone for those inexplicable rages. We are the modelf for the "INCREDIBLE HULK" and the rage that lies within. We surpress that rage until we just can't take it anymore. So at that point we have gone from one extreme to another.

Though there is our hot headedness we still give so much love, support and caring. Willing to destroy those that harm you and come against you. We will stand for you and with you, whenever it is needed.

We are truly the proctective moody crab.

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