Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Boston Creams and Southern Cheesecakes

I have to say that things are positive. Which is saying a lot considering the parental units, life and all factors going on. Oh and my brain doing most of the damage with all the thinking.

But there are some things that make it worthwhile and give way to things to look forward to.

I look forward to this trip to Amsterdam. Hell I am looking forward to the trips planned Period! I see that they will be fun, exciting and very memorable. A lot of new things mixed in with some remember the time moments as well. Like Madurodam. lol

I am going to continue my first Shibaricon next month. I am looking forward to being in awe of the rope work of masters along with learning and applying. I need practice bad. Especially with someone else involved. lol

The birthday weekend will be fun I am sure. Along with laid back, relaxing and intoxicating. Plus the weekend before that will be an adventure as well.

So amid the Hell there are sweet times filled with boston creams and whipped cream topped cheesecakes. And I am very, very glad of that.

Because things with the parental units become increasingly more challenging.

Till the next episode...enjoy your just desserts!

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