Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Imperfect

What you se is not necessarily what you get
My mistakes and regret
Moments I can't forget
A life filled with Turns and Twists

Experience an be graphic
Caught up in life's backflips
Bound by life's gymnastics
Wondering how things will stick
Will goals be reached or missed

Here comes the life of the IMPERFECT

Things could be a huge wreck
Delicate balances upset
Having ot keep emotions and understaings in check
Attemptin to avoid more of life's planned wrecks

Can't say that I have always done the best
Haven't always avoided the mess
Or gave my 110 % to the tests

Many times taking bullets to the chest
Unprepared for what came next
Soul just tired of everything
My victiories seem utterly fleeting
Negative things continue to beat me
Obscuring my vision
Sometimes I can't see

Can't be something I can't be
The past can no longer hold me
Merely help to mold me
Reality is all I see

Hell no
Not me

That is completely me

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